Bee products and the role of flowers in production
Bee products and the role of flowers in production
Bee products:
Produces bee six kinds of products, but before moving to these types نعرج slightly to plant flowers and its role in maintaining the kind فالأزهار while yield secrete pollen yellow do not see with the naked eye from male to female and always carry flowers three note and other feminine In these trees after ten days males are turning to females, mean happen maturity for the three note before feminine and vice versa, and in order to ensure cast vaccination does secrete nectar sweet to lure insects to swallow and thus of the pollination naturally and properly Among insects bees and more trees highest degrees of nectar cans by 95% and the remaining five pollen The bee when you go for flowers, she goes to three goals first is to collect nectar Ptsrabh to channel production of honey and a while back bees to cell based unload what a swarm of nectar to clamp through vomiting and not defecate as many people believe and gets his enzymes analytical Links honey .. Each bee collects nectar from flowers throughout the day and empty it into the Shabak, and the more I drank nectar get in the stomach Physiotherapy and turn into honey after the bees a lot of work throughout the night and the day, then store in holes top and closed it, making it the honey sealed as they call it .. Note that the bees do not sleep because no eyelid but restless little, well, while you bees do honey sealed the reduction ratio of water to 10% in order to be free of bacteria, to store several years on the basis that stockpile returning to if they do not find pasture, but if there pasture not return for stocks and the second goal go bees for him for flowers is to collect pollen cross hair front legs if Venus by a large proportion of pollen while returning bees to the cell you mix these pills with honey and called then baked bees and then used for breeding and larval nutrition and activate glands and supports the royal food, a transparent liquid and sensitive and effective medication if kept at certain temperatures, with the knowledge that this treatment called royal jelly bee sold at two thousand riyals for mM per liter which increases sexual power in men and women and stronger than the standard treatment Viagra because first activates sperm and improve fertility and treats macular and ED Assorted queen bees used to increase fertility because Viagra work انتصابا only while maintaining the same sexual power, the royal food and pollen filling the cans activates the process of citizenship and a sperm of many compounds.
In order to breed bees to be baked bees to activate the hospital, because in the production of royal jelly to increase fertility queen in the production of eggs, either wax Vtantjh bees, Valgdd in channel production of honey transmit honey to wax after drinking maids honey and DO-shaped _khasos in the stomach is collected, In order to produce a kilo of wax is consumed bees for twenty kilos of honey and during production wax appears on the bees, like you work hard like childbirth in women, and this wax generous can be used in cosmetics to eliminate freckles, acne and gives freshness to the face .. As the bee venom from within interactions bee products and secretes acids and thus when they bite bee man working his interactions immune sensitivity and being a boat acidic must put human place sting composite alkaline like Alfoma, which let you Pfs wound not swell the human body, which was bite Bee venom is used to treat rheumatism and manner Chinese acupuncture centers specializing in neuro-like cupping where they are using bees to sting the disease in certain places of the body and in this way cases are handled satisfactorily many intractable deficit medicine for treatment, but I think in Yemen does not exist.
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